
老實說 今天真的是要累死我了 哈哈

為了要posr照片 一共拍了四次才差強人意的成功



可是可以因此跟好多優秀的瑜珈練習者交流 被激勵 也是很值得


第一個為從4月22開始的 SpringCleaningYogaChallenge

今天 well其實是昨天了啦  是第九天 -- Warrior I Virabhadrasana I


Warrior系列我都很喜歡 名字聽起來就很英挺呀

在做warrior的時候 真的會自信心頓時上升百分之五什  然後會有種自己身材很好的錯覺 

Benefits of Warrior I Pose

Virabhadrasana I stretches the whole front side of the body while strengthening the thighs, ankles, and back. This is a powerful standing pose that develops stamina, balance, and coordination. It tones the abdomen, ankles, and arches of the feet. This pose also stretches the chest and lungs, improving breathing capacity and invigorating the body. It can be therapeutic for sciatica. It also encourages greater flexibility, strength, and range of motion in the feet, increasing circulation as it warms all of the muscles.

Beyond the physical posture, Warrior I creates deep concentration. Focusing on your foundation and building the pose from the ground up reduces distractions and hones your energy. Your mind becomes focused, calm, and clear.

勇士式可徹底伸展身體前方同時加強大腿 腳踝和背部肌肉,訓練平衡和協調能力,結實腹部 腳踝和腳背,也可伸展前胸和肺部,改善呼吸功能和振奮精神,可為做骨神經痛的治療法,訓練身體的彈性 力量 促進循環 

除了身體上的好處 勇士式還可訓練專注力 頭腦清晰

詳細可參考 how to do Warrior I 


MayIBeginYofa day one Adho Mukha Svanasana



因為描述中的 back to the basic 抓住了我的心 

不管在哪一方面 基礎都是很重要的

信心也是 雖然說最近我真的怠忽了唱題 

瑜珈也是 雖然基礎的動作看起來沒有到立阿 劈腿阿 那些這麼酷 

不過沒有這些基礎 房子也蓋不高

所以我還是希望自己能夠提醒自己 常常回到員點 不一樣的時期也會有不一樣的體認

今天的動作是 下犬式 

下犬式 是不管什麼瑜珈課都一定會做到n次的動作

因為我的筋骨比起一般人軟一點 所以一開始 下犬式對我來說就不是很痛苦 我從一開始膝蓋就不需要彎 腳跟也毫無問題能夠踏在地板上

但現在會更注意其他的細節 比如說 尾骨朝天花板 膝蓋骨上抬 大腿要用力 肩膀要外懸之類的

也喜歡停留在下犬式久一點 調息自己的呼吸 感覺自己腹部的一吸一吐

我想也是因為練習vinyasa 有很多的下犬式 所以對手臂的力量也有很大的幫助

Downward-Facing Dog energizes and rejuvenates the entire body. It deeply stretches your hamstrings, shoulders, calves, arches, hands, and spine while building strength in your arms, shoulders, and legs. Because your heart is higher than your head in this pose, it is considered a mild inversion (less strenuous than other inversions, such as Headstand) and holds all the benefits of inversions: Relief from headaches, insomnia, fatigue, and mild depression. The flow of blood to the brain also calms the nervous system, improves memory and concentration, and relieves stress.

Regular practice of this pose can improve digestion, relieve back pain, and help prevent osteoporosis. It is also known to be therapeutic for sinusitis, asthma, flat feet, and for the symptoms of menopause. 


MayIHandstand  Day one, Shoulder test




背部不可彎 我覺得我的背好像太過arching了一點

我大概舉了40秒吧 真的超痠的 尤其是若手臂又要伸直又要在耳朵兩側 

不過想想這才五本書耶 到時候handstand要撐的可是我的重量呢 那五本書根本連我的十分之一都不到吧



Learning2Fly Day 1 Tadasana

  it makes me feel calm and stable, it's also s good way to feel the connection between breath and the body , as well for correcting our daily posture. 

How to Do...


Benefits of Mountain Pose


A correctly executed Tadasana will use every muscle in the body. It improves posture and, when practiced regularly, can help reduce back pain. This pose strengthens the thighs, knees, ankles, abdomen, and buttocks. It is also helpful for relieving sciatica and for reducing the affects of flat feet.

Tadasana steadies the mind and body, bringing a calm focus to the practitioner. Practicing the pose with steady and smooth breath will help relieve stress and improve concentration.



HealthyBackBend Day 1 CobraPose Bhujangasana

Cobra Pose — Bhujangasana (boo-jahn-GAHS-uh-nuh) — is a beginning backbend in yoga that helps to prepare the body for deeper backbends. Its name comes from the Sanskrit words, "bhujanga” and "asana" (meaning "serpent" and "pose," respectively). Cobra is an essential element ofSun Salutations, and is an alternative to practicing Upward-Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana) in the Sun Salutations sequences.

Benefits of Cobra Pose

Cobra Pose is best known for its ability to increase the flexibility of the spine. It stretches the chest while strengthening the spine and shoulders. It also helps to open the lungs, which is therapeutic for asthma. This pose also stimulates the abdominal organs, improving digestion.

An energizing backbend, Cobra reduces stress and fatigue. It also firms and tones the shoulders, abdomen, and buttocks, and helps to ease the pain of sciatica.  

增加脊椎的柔軟度 擴大肺部 因此可治療氣喘 刺激腹部內臟 幫助消化

減緩壓力與疲勞 結實肩膀 腹部 和臀部  緩合坐骨神經痛


How to do...

MayYouYoga day 1  Bird of Paradise

Not long before (around 2 weeks before) was my first time able to stand up from #sideankle while practiced @alikamenovaintervalyoga 's class, was excited, because before that i remembered i wanted to try once, but totally got stuck ,haha, afterward didn't want to try at all...just simply skipped it .😒😱😨. Today was my second time and it is the best i can do now.


empoweredyogis day1  



這個challenge 由三個yogi 主持

每天會有三個動作可以選 從beginner 到advanced


但後來想想 反正也要拍其他的 那就都串在一起成一個sequence吧


分別是 下犬式  Wildthing 不知道中文式啥  還有 輪式



現在可以好好的到五個呼吸沒問題 還可以走 哈


試著台過一次 感覺我另一隻腿要斷啦

恩  好啦 我好累了喔 書都還沒看



how to do wildthing 



    瑜珈 瑜伽 asanas

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